Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways about his ideology. Jackson wanted to represent the will of the people instead of only listening to the people who had power. Yet while the Jackson wanted to represent the people he would express less sympathy to the aspirations of the people below him. Also Jackson and his followers who were democrats, their ideological origins were less of a democratice reform movement and more of an effort to restore a lost past. While Jackson and his followers looked in disgust toward the new industrial society that was emerging at the time, they wanted to restore the agrarian, which were earlier republican virtues. Changing his ideology from a democratic one to a republican one. Jackson was also a person who tried to avoid the new revolutionary generations, but yet he would happily lead america to a new revolution not against the british but against the people who challenge the ability of white men to control the continent. Even though he was inconsistant in his ideology he was still seen as the "man of the people".
Jackson ran for office as a democrat. Later instead of letting the new industrial society emerge around them he wanted to restore the agrarian society' which was a very republican ideal inn the early nineteenth century. In many ways he did what he wanted and didn't seem to affiliate with any particular party.
Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party was inspired by Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party. But in many ways, the Democratic Party embraced no uniform or clear ideology. Andrew Jackson wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that give all white male citizen equal power and opportunities regardless of their social status, wealth, region or favor, restrain the business commnunity and monopoly, and transform capitalism. Perhaps it was too big a reform that many times, Jackson and the Party contradicted themselves. The system of the Democratic Party struggled between giving unrestricted opportunities to all white men and advancing the goals of capitalists through government. Well supported by the middle and the working class, Jackson helped make the right of elected officials to appoint their own followers to public office, arguing that it would prevent the elites and aristocracies from taking over power within the government. He also "killed" the Bank of the United States, the so called "aristocratic institution", only to lead to the Panic of 1837 with many economic struggles. He believed in westward expansion and Manifest Destiny, benifiting the growth of the US and the control of whites over the continent, but largely ignored the injustice for blacks, women and Indians with such violence, inequality and intensity. Jackson the "common man" brought about the idea, although incomplete and imperfect, still, changed class and social relations in America at the time and spoke the voice of the common people, therefore remained inspiring in many historical contexts.
Andrew Jackson, Democrat and supporter of equality and anti-elitism, hasn´t always been very strict about his ideology, but nervertheless he followed his basic principles. One of his ideas was to bring Jefferson´s "all men are equal" to perfection by making all white men equal no matter how wealthy they were, which part of the contry they came from and which social class they belonged to. In order to do so he tried "to control the power of the capitalist groups, mainly Eastern, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups, farmers and laboring men, East, West, and South." But on the other side the Jacksonians were always very loose, in the sense that they mostly just realized their ideas to the extent it was necessary, good or helful for them. For example, Jackson tried to limit the buissness communities powers, but was at the same time known to be spokesman of rising entrepreneurs.
Jackson was inconsitant to his ideology in his unfairness while helping to create the american society. He was more about helping his beliefs and his followers than america as a whole. Inequality grew as he tried to keep control of america expanding democracy and white supremacy. He wanted to restore the argarian of the earlier time and diminish the industrial society emerging. Jackson enforced his beliefs not for the people, but for himself.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways and his ideology many times when against that of his party. His actions went against the idea to listen to the "common man" instead his focus just changed on the region of power he listen to. He seem to listen to the new powers rising from the South and West. He fought against the industrail society that was begining to grow around him. It hope to restore the time of the past agrarian society. He also was consider to be a man of new opportunity but instead he contricted rights of women, blacks, and the Native Americans. His sense of democracy may looked flaw to us now but at his time he was considered the man of the people.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because when he joined office he wasa democrate, but later on he looked down on the industrial society and wanted to lean more towards a agricultural society which was republican.
In Jackson's terms as the President of the United States. he was a little inconsistant in his decision making. Jackson had called himself a Democrat yet you would find him making Republican type decisions. Jackson wanted to avoid the people of the revolutionary generation, but he want to lead a revolution against the people against the white men. For example, the indians, or the Spanish that were trying to take their land.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat. Jackson was known to be a obsessed man escaping in the shadows of the revolutionary generation. He argues that they were all for defending slavery and white supremacy. Eventhough, Jackson changed his ideology from a democratic to a republican. But to Robert V. Remini Jackson was a genuine "man of the people."
Andrew Jackson's ideology was inconsistent in the sense of his beliefs. Although many of his ideas reflected those of Thomas Jefferson and his republican ideas, Jackson wasn't a traditionalist in a republican sense. Jackson accepted economic progress, which as agrarian order was only considered to breed corruption. His philosophy brought together the not entirely compatible ideals of economic progress, political democracy, and traditional republicanism.
Andrew Jackson was a man who wanted or did represent many variations in American society during his era. Somewhat being inconsistent in his ideology was a true thing because other historians at that time, exploring the ideological origins of the movement saw Jacksonianism less of a democratic reform movement than as a nostalgic effort to get back a lost past. It made historians look at Jefferson in entirely new ways and looking more at the nature of American society. If there were an equitable spirit existing in America in those years, it would exceed beyond the Democratic Party and the followers of Jackson. There was also Edward Pessen's Jacksonian America, it presented us that the democratic rhetoric of the age disguised the reality of an increasingly stratified society, in which society was getting more extreme. After that broke out, Jackson and the Democratic Party then had less spotlight on them than before.
Andrew Jackson reprsented the nation as a whole and acted in what he thought was the country's best interest. He was a democratic that challgened obstacles when he needed to. Jackson was for state rights and helping the people.
Jackson, a man who many a citizen saw as an accomplished forerunner of the democratic ideal and an advocate for the equal rights of the common white male, may have indeed used his popularity as a veil to shroud his true political intent of carving a pathway for young Southern aristocrats to gain prominent positions in a market controlled by the East. Some such as Turner claim that Jackson was an inevitable result of the undermining belief from the East that the South was incompetent, full of men only efficient for manual labor, and that this president would be finally be able to offer the fruits of true egalitarian society to the starved working class. Others like Rogin find it ironic that Jackson would press for equal competition of white males while subjugating and sometimes persecuting other ethnic and racial minorities with malice and cruelty. In conclusion, Jackson did not always hold firm to his common interest of promoting and enforcing the virtues of a true democratic society, but did enough to make his memory as a prominent forefather of egalitarianism alive and well.
Andrew Jackson was incosistent in his ideology. Jackson was said to be a "democrat", but in reality he restrain the rights of women, African Americans, and Idians. Jackson and his followers looked with hestation on the upcoming industrial society emerging around them and instead focused on the restoration of the argrarian a earlier republican assest. Despite he was inconsistent in his ideolgy he was protrayed as champion of the common man.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because he was a democrat but acted as a republican. Jackson represented those who wanted to make government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power of special interest. But the portayal of Jackson as a champion of the common man has not vanished.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology because he was an democrat,but acted like a republican. Jackson wanted to control the power of the capitalist groups, in the Eastern parts, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups, farmers and laboring men from different parts. He wanted to use the agrarian way of life which is considered republican. Also in his time he expanded democracy and the reality of constricted rights for women, blacks, and Indians. To this day Jackson is still portrayed as the champion of the common man.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistant in his ideology to the extent that he wanted to gain favor from special interest groups as well as the will of the people. Jackson himself wanted to "make government responsive to the will of the people rather to the power of special interest" but historians have found that in fact Jackson did protect special interest by commiting too defend slavery and white supremacy.
The extent that Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology was that at the time of his presidency the ideas of the democratic party was to defend slavery and white supremacy, but he was for assisting that African Americans, women, native Americans, and he also wanted to challenge the power of the eastern people to try and raise the entrepreneurs of the South and west which was against the ideology of a democrat.
During and since the time of his pesidency, Jackson had the reputation of being in favor of expanding democracy and standing up for the "little people" such as the farmers, small business owners, and entrepeneurs. Although Jackson was viwed in this way, at the same time, Indians, blacks, and women had restricted rights in America. In acctuality, Jackson was a supporter of slavery and he pursued policies that favored white control over Indian lands which is inconsistent with the view that Jackson was a "champion of democracy."
Andrew Jackson was a democrat who was very popular. While he was president he didn't consider alot of things in his dicisions.Many people thought he was incosistent. Even though he was a democrat he made some republican dicisions.Jackson wanted nothing to do with the revoultionary generation.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology during his presidency.First of this is when he should have offered equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens no class above the other he and the aristocrats that followed him believed in ensuring that others like themselves thrived not the lower classes. Also Jackson took to acting more like a republican at times instead of a democrat.For being a man for the people he would lead an American revoultuion to not an enemy country but to those who challenged the ability of white men to control the continent.Even through all of these inconsistencies Andrew Jackson was still seen as a man of the people.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat with a Republican point of view. He was a mixture of both parties from my sense of seeing things, and created a party of his own. He didnt necessarily follow an exact replica of either party making him and his ideology inconsistent.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in many ways. When he first got in office he was democratic but had a distinct theory of democracy. His Democratic Party was influenced by Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party. He gave equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens. He made a right for elected officials to appoint their followers to public office, he argued that it would prevent the elites and aristocrats from gaining power. He got rid of the Bank of the United States which led to the panic of 1837. He also believed in Manifest Destiny, and felt that it would benifit the growth of the US and the control of white males, but he ignored the blacks, women and Indians with harsh violence, and inequality.
Jackson's ideology was inconsistent to the extent that he was a a Democrat with a Republicans mind or heart. Sometimes he would act Democratic but other times he would act as if he was Republican. His "Republican decision" was that of him not letting the industrial society expand and restoring the agrarian society. Also, Jackson supposedly a man of new things/oppotunities he was against the rights of Blacks, women, and the Native Americans.
Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party, as well as himself, was very inconsistent in ideology. Historians of the past and present all have different reasons for this. One main reason for this is that his Democratic Party emerged from Jefferson's Republican Party. Also evidence to support this comes from the many historians who have written about him. He was said to be against the business community and then for it. Jackson was also said to support the rebirth of an agrarian society, an old Republican Party idea. The mixed feelings, about Jackson’s ideology, are proof of how inconsistent he was.
Andrew Jackson never really enforced his ideology . In the 1800s they thought of him as champion of democracy but in the twentieth century they disagreed because of his portrayal to American society. Andrew Jackson only represented only those who wanted to make the government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power to special interests. Jackson was a democrat and well later on he wanted to learn things that lead to being republican.
Being a democrat, Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology because some of his views resmbled those of the republican party. He overlooked democratic views such as the ideas of minorities being heard including women, african americans and even indians. He emphasized the equality of white men applying the agrarian way of life to society which was very much so a replican ideal.
Andrew Jackson had no precise ideolgical position, but he did begin to take on a simple theory of democracy. In the begining he believed in equalization of benefits and protection to all white male citizens with no favor to region or class. All this began to change over time. Jackson began to bring in republican views and oppostions. He looked down on the people and didnt care much about how and who his decions were affecting. Although he started out strong and now to us, seems like his spotlight diminished, he was known as the "champion of democracy" and the "man of the people".
Although Andrew Jackson was renowned as an advocate for a government based on anti-elitism and egalitarianism, there is various evidence of inconsistency in his ideology. Jackson contradicted his own democratic views by his pursuit for a restoration of an agrarian society, a Republican virtue of an earlier time. Andrew Jackson also challenged the democratic belief of an egalitarian government by his constricted rights for women, blacks and Indians. Jackson was basically using his democratic views to disguise the increasingly stratified society and his ambitions to protect the rising of southern and western elites.
andrew jackson was inconsistent a lot ways about his ideology. He was a democrat that belived in equality and anti-elitism. His ideology was also inconsistent because most of his actions were those of a republican. he belived in the common man but he went against it most of the time.
jackson was a democrat but insted of leting the emerging scoitey form around them and yearned instead for a restoration of the agrarian republican virtues of an erlier time
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent mostly because his ways symbolized more of republican than democracy. Jackson was a firm believer in the representation of giving all men "equality" regardless of their political, social, or econmoic status. It seems his main goal was to come up with solutions to help "the people" but his approaches illustrated more of a republican. Even though he showed inconsistenecy, Jackson still held the title of "The Common Man"!!!
President Andrew Jackson was incosistent in his ideology for he acted less of a Democrat to perform more as an independent thinker in order to restore the past. To support such argument, it was said that Jackson proclaimed the restriction of the business community and yet, he was the spokesman of rising entrepenuers. Jacksoninans opposed special privileges only if those hindered their road towards success. They were also less sympathetic to the aspirations of the ones below them, and yet President Jackson was called the "President of the Commonman", how ironic is that.
The extent of Jackson's inconsistent ideology can only be determined by an individual opinion. It is true that he did not stay strict to his democratic beliefs but certain people will argue that some things could swing both ways. Jackson and his party wanted to make the government something that respond to the people but he did not always listen to his own beliefs and would go against the peoples will when he disagreed with something. He basically followed the examples of Jefferson and Madison- start in one party but take the ideas of another when it suits you best.
President Jackson was inconsistent in his ideaology because he was a democrat but he unofficially left all parties. He did what he wanted when he wanted and could sometimes be viewed as a democrat but at others be viewed as a Whig. He didn't do what was,presently known, the best for the nation, he did what he thought would help but in the end hurt.
Andrew Jackson was very inconsistent in his ideology. Jackson's ways were like a republican, but he really was a democrat. Scholars have not paid any attention to Jackson over many years now, instead they focus their attention to a series of broad social changes that happened in the mid-nineteenth century. Jacksn known as the common man has not dissapeared.
As a Democrat, Jackson belived in "equal protection and equal benefits" to all white male citizens favoring no other region/class over another. He also believed the role of the federal government was to be limited during economic affairs. Jackson became inconsistent during the Tariff of 1832, later completely ignoring the Force Bill issue, violated the court ruling of Cherokee resistance, along with the developement of the "specie circular" Panic of 1837. His decisions over those challenges were to help the society, but only proved him as a popular nationalist who also helped the growing Whig party.
(After reading hint) Jackson supported anti- elitism and egalitarianism in ways that pertained to his ideas of the govt. being responsive to the will of the people, which revealed the inequality and oppresion, along with growing social actions by the women, blacks, and Indians in America. He became inconsistent because he also looked to restore of agrarian republican values and defended slavery and white supremacy. This meant that the Jacksonian period was less of a Democatic reform movement, but was an effort to restore the past. He believed, as a Democrat,in "equal protection and equal benefits" to all white male citizens favoring no region or class over another. It did not mention anything other than whites males. He used republican ways in order to gain the title of a popular nationalist ("common man") but stayed democratic in areas of anti-elitism.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent, throughout majority of his term, as Jackson wanted 2 represent the will of the people(WHITE males)while being prejudice to blacks, woman, and indians. Mostly he would sway from a democratic ideology to a republic one and go back and forth. Jackson instead of letting the new industrial society emerge and prosper, he wanted to restore the agrarian society.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways and his ideology many times when against that of his party.when he act like a republican, because he enforced his belief on poeple and not the constitution.
Jackson supported the efforts og the lower class and sought to improve there freedom and oppurtinities but in reality he was only trying to improve the economic ability of southern aristocrats, and suppressed the efforts of womnen, blacks, and indians. He was inconsistent in his ideology in setting goals to do things and ignored them. Although, he decieved people of he's true intentions he was still considered the "man of the people".
Andrew Jackson wanted to improve democracy. He wanted to give power to the south which had been denied by the eastern market place. In reality, he was just supporting the upper class to the south and not giving power to the southern sympathetic
LAla@nolaIn my opinion,Jackson was very inconsistant in his idealogy.However ,his actions could be justied by looking at the times.During this Jeffersonian era,the nation as a whole presented little clear evidence of boundaries.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because when he joined office he was a democrat, but later on he looked down on the industrial society and wanted to lean more towards a agricultural society which was republican. Jackson was using his democratic ideas to disguise the increasingly stratified society and his ambitions to protect the rising of southern and western elites.
Andrew Jackson extent to his inconsistent in his ideology was that Jackson was a spokesman of rising entrepreneurs. Aspiring businessemen who saw the road to opportunity blocked by the monopolistic power of eastern aristocrats. Other historians, exploring the ideological origins of the movement than as a nostalgic effort to restore a lost past. Jackson was a genuine "man of the people."
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology when his said he was going to be fair to all people. he said that he was a predident for the people and then he turned around and only helped the agrarian society.
Jackson was liked by many due to his every man image, he'd use his popularity with other normal citizens to get his point and way across. He'd get support from democrats, but in many ways would have more of a majority of republican tendencies. Through this he'd be seen as somewhat of a republican inside the skin of a democrat.
Jackson would contradict himself by first acting like protecting the people and later by protecting those who supported large businesses. He would also wanted government to take care of the people, but later looked down at those below him, and looking at those with power.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in a lot of ways about his ideology. He belived in equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens favoring no other region or class over another, while Jackson wanted to represent the people he would express less sympathy to the aspirations of the people below him. He believed in westward expansion and Manifest Destiny, benifiting the growth of the US and the control of whites over the continent, but largely ignored the injustice for blacks, women and Indians with such violence, inequality and intensity. Also Jackson took to acting more like a republican at times instead of a democrat. The mixed feelings, about Jackson’s ideology, are proof of how inconsistent he was.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he ran for a democrat in office and wanted to help the people and would not listen to the other representatives.Jackson believed in going with his beliefs, which he also had the characteristics of a republican.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent about his ideology because he wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that gives all white men equal power and opportunities regardless of their social status and wealth. Even though he was a democrat, he took actions of a republican.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he ran for as a democrat in office. He believed in helping the people but,would not listen to the other representatives in office, but would not listen to peopl who had power. His views and actions resembled those of a republicans.
Andrew Jackson came in as a democrat but like Jefferson in a sense he took on a republican role when beneficial. He did not always stand firm on a democratic society, he looked to the agarian way which is common for republicans. Yes, he was a democrat but looked to Jefferson's policy for inspiration thats how Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he ran as a democrat in office. He believed in helping the people, but would not listen to the other representatives in office who had power. His views and actions resembled those of a republicans
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent many times about his ideology.In many ways, the Democratic Party embraced no clear ideology.Andrew Jackson wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that give all white male citizen equal power and opportunities despite of their wealth, monopoly, and transform capitalism. Jackson changes his ideology from democratic to republican. Jackson deny alot of suggests to keep his way.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology to the point that he started with a Democratic government, but took actions that were more so like a Republican. The ways that he did this were that he started off with his ideology of Democratic government that was an effort to "control the power of capitalist groups, mainly Eastern, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups", says Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Jackson then continued on a path of more Republican acts, such as displaying special savagery toward American Indians, and since Jackson did not end up in the end defending "slavery and white supremacy", he ended up doing Republican-like things.
Andrew Jackson started off as a democrat but he acted like a republican. Andrew Jackson did whatever he wanted or whatever seemed right to him. When he believed or wanted something he would go out and pursue it. Many people considered Jackson as a "man of the people." He displayed special savaregy toward American Indians, whom he pursued. Jackson was a very succesful guy that focused on one thing at a time. Many people believed that he had a strong belief that indians, blacks, and women had restricted rights in America. When in reality he was trying to help out white males and women.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent, Jackson wanted 2 represent the will of the people because that's what he though was best,while being prejudice to every other person who was not white. He would also go back and forth from democratic ideology to republic.But even though he would do all of this he would still be seen to the people and called by the people "man of the people".Even though all he was trying to do was to help white males and women
Andrew Jackson is on the the Democratic Party but it seems to be he is speakin on behalf of the Republicans. He was inconsistent in many ways about his ideology, He believed in helping the people but,would not listen to the other representatives in office, but would not listen to peopl who had power. His views and actions acted of those who were republicans.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat but he was inconsistent in his ideology. Jackson didnt act like a democrat he acted more like a republican. He mostly represented a republican party than his own. In other words his actions were like republicans.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent with his ideology, due to the fact that he represented those who wanted to make government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power of special interests. The Jacksonians also opposed special privileges only to the extent those privileges blocked their own road to success, they had less sympathetic to the eager desire of those below them. Jackson would lead a new American revolution, not against British tyranny but against those who challenged the ability of white men to control the continent.
Due Date: 10/18
Victoria Bole
Period 5th
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways about his ideology. Jackson wanted to represent the will of the people instead of only listening to the people who had power. Yet while the Jackson wanted to represent the people he would express less sympathy to the aspirations of the people below him. Also Jackson and his followers who were democrats, their ideological origins were less of a democratice reform movement and more of an effort to restore a lost past. While Jackson and his followers looked in disgust toward the new industrial society that was emerging at the time, they wanted to restore the agrarian, which were earlier republican virtues. Changing his ideology from a democratic one to a republican one. Jackson was also a person who tried to avoid the new revolutionary generations, but yet he would happily lead america to a new revolution not against the british but against the people who challenge the ability of white men to control the continent. Even though he was inconsistant in his ideology he was still seen as the "man of the people".
Jackson ran for office as a democrat. Later instead of letting the new industrial society emerge around them he wanted to restore the agrarian society' which was a very republican ideal inn the early nineteenth century. In many ways he did what he wanted and didn't seem to affiliate with any particular party.
Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party was inspired by Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party. But in many ways, the Democratic Party embraced no uniform or clear ideology. Andrew Jackson wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that give all white male citizen equal power and opportunities regardless of their social status, wealth, region or favor, restrain the business commnunity and monopoly, and transform capitalism. Perhaps it was too big a reform that many times, Jackson and the Party contradicted themselves. The system of the Democratic Party struggled between giving unrestricted opportunities to all white men and advancing the goals of capitalists through government. Well supported by the middle and the working class, Jackson helped make the right of elected officials to appoint their own followers to public office, arguing that it would prevent the elites and aristocracies from taking over power within the government. He also "killed" the Bank of the United States, the so called "aristocratic institution", only to lead to the Panic of 1837 with many economic struggles. He believed in westward expansion and Manifest Destiny, benifiting the growth of the US and the control of whites over the continent, but largely ignored the injustice for blacks, women and Indians with such violence, inequality and intensity. Jackson the "common man" brought about the idea, although incomplete and imperfect, still, changed class and social relations in America at the time and spoke the voice of the common people, therefore remained inspiring in many historical contexts.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent with ideology because he started of under a democratic government, but the actions he took were those of a republican.
Andrew Jackson, Democrat and supporter of equality and anti-elitism, hasn´t always been very strict about his ideology, but nervertheless he followed his basic principles. One of his ideas was to bring Jefferson´s "all men are equal" to perfection by making all white men equal no matter how wealthy they were, which part of the contry they came from and which social class they belonged to. In order to do so he tried "to control the power of the capitalist groups, mainly Eastern, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups, farmers and laboring men, East, West, and South." But on the other side the Jacksonians were always very loose, in the sense that they mostly just realized their ideas to the extent it was necessary, good or helful for them. For example, Jackson tried to limit the buissness communities powers, but was at the same time known to be spokesman of rising entrepreneurs.
Jackson was inconsitant to his ideology in his unfairness while helping to create the american society. He was more about helping his beliefs and his followers than america as a whole. Inequality grew as he tried to keep control of america expanding democracy and white supremacy. He wanted to restore the argarian of the earlier time and diminish the industrial society emerging. Jackson enforced his beliefs not for the people, but for himself.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways and his ideology many times when against that of his party. His actions went against the idea to listen to the "common man" instead his focus just changed on the region of power he listen to. He seem to listen to the new powers rising from the South and West. He fought against the industrail society that was begining to grow around him. It hope to restore the time of the past agrarian society. He also was consider to be a man of new opportunity but instead he contricted rights of women, blacks, and the Native Americans. His sense of democracy may looked flaw to us now but at his time he was considered the man of the people.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because when he joined office he wasa democrate, but later on he looked down on the industrial society and wanted to lean more towards a agricultural society which was republican.
In Jackson's terms as the President of the United States. he was a little inconsistant in his decision making. Jackson had called himself a Democrat yet you would find him making Republican type decisions. Jackson wanted to avoid the people of the revolutionary generation, but he want to lead a revolution against the people against the white men. For example, the indians, or the Spanish that were trying to take their land.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat. Jackson was known to be a obsessed man escaping in the shadows of the revolutionary generation. He argues that they were all for defending slavery and white supremacy. Eventhough, Jackson changed his ideology from a democratic to a republican. But to Robert V. Remini Jackson was a genuine "man of the people."
Andrew Jackson's ideology was inconsistent in the sense of his beliefs. Although many of his ideas reflected those of Thomas Jefferson and his republican ideas, Jackson wasn't a traditionalist in a republican sense. Jackson accepted economic progress, which as agrarian order was only considered to breed corruption. His philosophy brought together the not entirely compatible ideals of economic progress, political democracy, and traditional republicanism.
Andrew Jackson was a man who wanted or did represent many variations in American society during his era. Somewhat being inconsistent in his ideology was a true thing because other historians at that time, exploring the ideological origins of the movement saw Jacksonianism less of a democratic reform movement than as a nostalgic effort to get back a lost past. It made historians look at Jefferson in entirely new ways and looking more at the nature of American society. If there were an equitable spirit existing in America in those years, it would exceed beyond the Democratic Party and the followers of Jackson. There was also Edward Pessen's Jacksonian America, it presented us that the democratic rhetoric of the age disguised the reality of an increasingly stratified society, in which society was getting more extreme. After that broke out, Jackson and the Democratic Party then had less spotlight on them than before.
Richsonia Hamilton
Period 7th
Andrew Jackson reprsented the nation as a whole and acted in what he thought was the country's best interest. He was a democratic that challgened obstacles when he needed to. Jackson was for state rights and helping the people.
Jackson, a man who many a citizen saw as an accomplished forerunner of the democratic ideal and an advocate for the equal rights of the common white male, may have indeed used his popularity as a veil to shroud his true political intent of carving a pathway for young Southern aristocrats to gain prominent positions in a market controlled by the East.
Some such as Turner claim that Jackson was an inevitable result of the undermining belief from the East that the South was incompetent, full of men only efficient for manual labor, and that this president would be finally be able to offer the fruits of true egalitarian society to the starved working class. Others like Rogin find it ironic that Jackson would press for equal competition of white males while subjugating and sometimes persecuting other ethnic and racial minorities with malice and cruelty. In conclusion, Jackson did not always hold firm to his common interest of promoting and enforcing the virtues of a true democratic society, but did enough to make his memory as a prominent forefather of egalitarianism alive and well.
Andrew Jackson was incosistent in his ideology. Jackson was said to be a "democrat", but in reality he restrain the rights of women, African Americans, and Idians. Jackson and his followers looked with hestation on the upcoming industrial society emerging around them and instead focused on the restoration of the argrarian a earlier republican assest. Despite he was inconsistent in his ideolgy he was protrayed as champion of the common man.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because he was a democrat but acted as a republican. Jackson represented those who wanted to make government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power of special interest. But the portayal of Jackson as a champion of the common man has not vanished.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in the sense that he was an egalitarian and all for anti-elitism and yet he was less sympathetic to those below him.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology because he was an democrat,but acted like a republican. Jackson wanted to control the power of the capitalist groups, in the Eastern parts, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups, farmers and laboring men from different parts. He wanted to use the agrarian way of life which is considered republican. Also in his time he expanded democracy and the reality of constricted rights for women, blacks, and Indians. To this day Jackson is still portrayed as the champion of the common man.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistant in his ideology to the extent that he wanted to gain favor from special interest groups as well as the will of the people. Jackson himself wanted to "make government responsive to the will of the people rather to the power of special interest" but historians have found that in fact Jackson did protect special interest by commiting too defend slavery and white supremacy.
The extent that Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology was that at the time of his presidency the ideas of the democratic party was to defend slavery and white supremacy, but he was for assisting that African Americans, women, native Americans, and he also wanted to challenge the power of the eastern people to try and raise the entrepreneurs of the South and west which was against the ideology of a democrat.
During and since the time of his pesidency, Jackson had the reputation of being in favor of expanding democracy and standing up for the "little people" such as the farmers, small business owners, and entrepeneurs. Although Jackson was viwed in this way, at the same time, Indians, blacks, and women had restricted rights in America. In acctuality, Jackson was a supporter of slavery and he pursued policies that favored white control over Indian lands which is inconsistent with the view that Jackson was a "champion of democracy."
Andrew Jackson was a democrat who was very popular. While he was president he didn't consider alot of things in his dicisions.Many people thought he was incosistent. Even though he was a democrat he made some republican dicisions.Jackson wanted nothing to do with the revoultionary generation.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology during his presidency.First of this is when he should have offered equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens no class above the other he and the aristocrats that followed him believed in ensuring that others like themselves thrived not the lower classes. Also Jackson took to acting more like a republican at times instead of a democrat.For being a man for the people he would lead an American revoultuion to not an enemy country but to those who challenged the ability of white men to control the continent.Even through all of these inconsistencies Andrew Jackson was still seen as a man of the people.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat with a Republican point of view. He was a mixture of both parties from my sense of seeing things, and created a party of his own. He didnt necessarily follow an exact replica of either party making him and his ideology inconsistent.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in many ways. When he first got in office he was democratic but had a distinct theory of democracy. His Democratic Party was influenced by Thomas Jefferson's Republican Party. He gave equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens. He made a right for elected officials to appoint their followers to public office, he argued that it would prevent the elites and aristocrats from gaining power. He got rid of the Bank of the United States which led to the panic of 1837. He also believed in Manifest Destiny, and felt that it would benifit the growth of the US and the control of white males, but he ignored the blacks, women and Indians with harsh violence, and inequality.
Jackson's ideology was inconsistent to the extent that he was a a Democrat with a Republicans mind or heart. Sometimes he would act Democratic but other times he would act as if he was Republican. His "Republican decision" was that of him not letting the industrial society expand and restoring the agrarian society. Also, Jackson supposedly a man of new things/oppotunities he was against the rights of Blacks, women, and the Native Americans.
Andrew Jackson's Democratic Party, as well as himself, was very inconsistent in ideology. Historians of the past and present all have different reasons for this. One main reason for this is that his Democratic Party emerged from Jefferson's Republican Party. Also evidence to support this comes from the many historians who have written about him. He was said to be against the business community and then for it. Jackson was also said to support the rebirth of an agrarian society, an old Republican Party idea. The mixed feelings, about Jackson’s ideology, are proof of how inconsistent he was.
Andrew Jackson never really enforced his ideology . In the 1800s they thought of him as champion of democracy but in the twentieth century they disagreed because of his portrayal to American society. Andrew Jackson only represented only those who wanted to make the government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power to special interests. Jackson was a democrat and well later on he wanted to learn things that lead to being republican.
Being a democrat, Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology because some of his views resmbled those of the republican party. He overlooked democratic views such as the ideas of minorities being heard including women, african americans and even indians. He emphasized the equality of white men applying the agrarian way of life to society which was very much so a replican ideal.
Andrew Jackson had no precise ideolgical position, but he did begin to take on a simple theory of democracy. In the begining he believed in equalization of benefits and protection to all white male citizens with no favor to region or class. All this began to change over time. Jackson began to bring in republican views and oppostions. He looked down on the people and didnt care much about how and who his decions were affecting. Although he started out strong and now to us, seems like his spotlight diminished, he was known as the "champion of democracy" and the "man of the people".
Although Andrew Jackson was renowned as an advocate for a government based on anti-elitism and egalitarianism, there is various evidence of inconsistency in his ideology. Jackson contradicted his own democratic views by his pursuit for a restoration of an agrarian society, a Republican virtue of an earlier time. Andrew Jackson also challenged the democratic belief of an egalitarian government by his constricted rights for women, blacks and Indians. Jackson was basically using his democratic views to disguise the increasingly stratified society and his ambitions to protect the rising of southern and western elites.
andrew jackson was inconsistent a lot ways about his ideology. He was a democrat that belived in equality and anti-elitism. His ideology was also inconsistent because most of his actions were those of a republican. he belived in the common man but he went against it most of the time.
jackson was a democrat but insted of leting the emerging scoitey form around them and yearned instead for a restoration of the agrarian republican virtues of an erlier time
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent mostly because his ways symbolized more of republican than democracy. Jackson was a firm believer in the representation of giving all men "equality" regardless of their political, social, or econmoic status. It seems his main goal was to come up with solutions to help "the people" but his approaches illustrated more of a republican. Even though he showed inconsistenecy, Jackson still held the title of "The Common Man"!!!
President Andrew Jackson was incosistent in his ideology for he acted less of a Democrat to perform more as an independent thinker in order to restore the past. To support such argument, it was said that Jackson proclaimed the restriction of the business community and yet, he was the spokesman of rising entrepenuers. Jacksoninans opposed special privileges only if those hindered their road towards success. They were also less sympathetic to the aspirations of the ones below them, and yet President Jackson was called the "President of the Commonman", how ironic is that.
The extent of Jackson's inconsistent ideology can only be determined by an individual opinion. It is true that he did not stay strict to his democratic beliefs but certain people will argue that some things could swing both ways. Jackson and his party wanted to make the government something that respond to the people but he did not always listen to his own beliefs and would go against the peoples will when he disagreed with something. He basically followed the examples of Jefferson and Madison- start in one party but take the ideas of another when it suits you best.
President Jackson was inconsistent in his ideaology because he was a democrat but he unofficially left all parties. He did what he wanted when he wanted and could sometimes be viewed as a democrat but at others be viewed as a Whig. He didn't do what was,presently known, the best for the nation, he did what he thought would help but in the end hurt.
Andrew Jackson was very inconsistent in his ideology. Jackson's ways were like a republican, but he really was a democrat. Scholars have not paid any attention to Jackson over many years now, instead they focus their attention to a series of broad social changes that happened in the mid-nineteenth century. Jacksn known as the common man has not dissapeared.
As a Democrat, Jackson belived in "equal protection and equal benefits" to all white male citizens favoring no other region/class over another. He also believed the role of the federal government was to be limited during economic affairs. Jackson became inconsistent during the Tariff of 1832, later completely ignoring the Force Bill issue, violated the court ruling of Cherokee resistance, along with the developement of the "specie circular" Panic of 1837. His decisions over those challenges were to help the society, but only proved him as a popular nationalist who also helped the growing Whig party.
(After reading hint)
Jackson supported anti- elitism and egalitarianism in ways that pertained to his ideas of the govt. being responsive to the will of the people, which revealed the inequality and oppresion, along with growing social actions by the women, blacks, and Indians in America. He became inconsistent because he also looked to restore of agrarian republican values and defended slavery and white supremacy. This meant that the Jacksonian period was less of a Democatic reform movement, but was an effort to restore the past. He believed, as a Democrat,in "equal protection and equal benefits" to all white male citizens favoring no region or class over another. It did not mention anything other than whites males. He used republican ways in order to gain the title of a popular nationalist ("common man") but stayed democratic in areas of anti-elitism.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent, throughout majority of his term, as Jackson wanted 2 represent the will of the people(WHITE males)while being prejudice to blacks, woman, and indians. Mostly he would sway from a democratic ideology to a republic one and go back and forth. Jackson instead of letting the new industrial society emerge and prosper, he wanted to restore the agrarian society.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways about his ideology. He was for the people.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in many ways and his ideology many times when against that of his party.when he act like a republican, because he enforced his belief on poeple and not the constitution.
Jackson supported the efforts og the lower class and sought to improve there freedom and oppurtinities but in reality he was only trying to improve the economic ability of southern aristocrats, and suppressed the efforts of womnen, blacks, and indians. He was inconsistent in his ideology in setting goals to do things and ignored them. Although, he decieved people of he's true intentions he was still considered the "man of the people".
andrew jackson was a democrat but in many ways he acted like a republican.
Andrew Jackson wanted to improve democracy. He wanted to give power to the south which had been denied by the eastern market place. In reality, he was just supporting the upper class to the south and not giving power to the southern sympathetic
LAla@nolaIn my opinion,Jackson was very inconsistant in his idealogy.However ,his actions could be justied by looking at the times.During this Jeffersonian era,the nation as a whole presented little clear evidence of boundaries.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent because when he joined office he was a democrat, but later on he looked down on the industrial society and wanted to lean more towards a agricultural society which was republican. Jackson was using his democratic ideas to disguise the increasingly stratified society and his ambitions to protect the rising of southern and western elites.
Andrew Jackson extent to his inconsistent in his ideology was that Jackson was a spokesman of rising entrepreneurs. Aspiring businessemen who saw the road to opportunity blocked by the monopolistic power of eastern aristocrats. Other historians, exploring the ideological origins of the movement than as a nostalgic effort to restore a lost past. Jackson was a genuine "man of the people."
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology when his said he was going to be fair to all people. he said that he was a predident for the people and then he turned around and only helped the agrarian society.
Jackson was liked by many due to his every man image, he'd use his popularity with other normal citizens to get his point and way across. He'd get support from democrats, but in many ways would have more of a majority of republican tendencies. Through this he'd be seen as somewhat of a republican inside the skin of a democrat.
Jackson would contradict himself by first acting like protecting the people and later by protecting those who supported large businesses.
He would also wanted government to take care of the people, but later looked down at those below him, and looking at those with power.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in a lot of ways about his ideology. He belived in equal protection and equal benefits to all white male citizens favoring no other region or class over another, while Jackson wanted to represent the people he would express less sympathy to the aspirations of the people below him. He believed in westward expansion and Manifest Destiny, benifiting the growth of the US and the control of whites over the continent, but largely ignored the injustice for blacks, women and Indians with such violence, inequality and intensity. Also Jackson took to acting more like a republican at times instead of a democrat. The mixed feelings, about Jackson’s ideology, are proof of how inconsistent he was.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he
ran for a democrat in office and wanted to help the people and would not listen to the other representatives.Jackson believed in going with his beliefs, which he also had the characteristics of a republican.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent about his ideology because he wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that gives all white men equal power and opportunities regardless of their social status and wealth. Even though he was a democrat, he took actions of a republican.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he
ran for as a democrat in office. He believed in helping the people but,would not listen to the other representatives in office, but would not listen to peopl who had power. His views and actions resembled those of a republicans.
Andrew Jackson came in as a democrat but like Jefferson in a sense he took on a republican role when beneficial. He did not always stand firm on a democratic society, he looked to the agarian way which is common for republicans. Yes, he was a democrat but looked to Jefferson's policy for inspiration thats how Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology in the way that he
ran as a democrat in office. He believed in helping the people, but would not listen to the other representatives in office who had power. His views and actions resembled those of a republicans
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent many times about his ideology.In many ways, the Democratic Party embraced no clear ideology.Andrew Jackson wanted a distinct theory of Democracy that give all white male citizen equal power and opportunities despite of their wealth, monopoly, and transform capitalism. Jackson changes his ideology from democratic to republican. Jackson deny alot of suggests to keep his way.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent in his ideology to the point that he started with a Democratic government,
but took actions that were more so like a Republican. The ways that he did this were that he started off with his ideology of Democratic government that was an effort to "control the power of capitalist groups, mainly Eastern, for the benefit of non-capitalist groups", says Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Jackson then continued on a path of more Republican acts, such as displaying special savagery toward American Indians, and since Jackson did not end up in the end defending "slavery and white supremacy", he ended up doing Republican-like things.
Andrew Jackson started off as a democrat but he acted like a republican. Andrew Jackson did whatever he wanted or whatever seemed right to him. When he believed or wanted something he would go out and pursue it. Many people considered Jackson as a "man of the people." He displayed special savaregy toward American Indians, whom he pursued. Jackson was a very succesful guy that focused on one thing at a time. Many people believed that he had a strong belief that indians, blacks, and women had restricted rights in America. When in reality he was trying to help out white males and women.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent, Jackson wanted 2 represent the will of the people because that's what he though was best,while being prejudice to every other person who was not white. He would also go back and forth from democratic ideology to republic.But even though he would do all of this he would still be seen to the people and called by the people "man of the people".Even though all he was trying to do was to help white males and women
Andrew Jackson is on the the Democratic Party but it seems to be he is speakin on behalf of the Republicans. He was inconsistent in many ways about his ideology, He believed in helping the people but,would not listen to the other representatives in office, but would not listen to peopl who had power. His views and actions acted of those who were republicans.
Andrew Jackson was a democrat but he was inconsistent in his ideology. Jackson didnt act like a democrat he acted more like a republican. He mostly represented a republican party than his own. In other words his actions were like republicans.
Andrew Jackson was inconsistent with his ideology, due to the fact that he represented those who wanted to make government responsive to the will of the people rather than to the power of special interests. The Jacksonians also opposed special privileges only to the extent those privileges blocked their own road to success, they had less sympathetic to the eager desire of those below them. Jackson would lead a new American revolution, not against British tyranny but against those who challenged the ability of white men to control the continent.
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